Welcome to BetterWhere.com
Welcome to BetterWhere.com! I’m Martin and I started this website.
This is my first post so I thought it would be a good idea to write a quick introduction. I’ll explain what this site is about, share my quick background story about how I got interested in traveling and research on the best destinations, and cover what kind of content I plan to publish.
What Is This Blog About?
I created this blog to share with you my experiences and research on the best climates in the world.
I can spend hours reading, talking, and writing about the best places to live, places with the best climate, the best places for nature lovers, and the intricacies of various types of climate that make a given place pleasant or to be avoided.
I want to help you find your new home, an exciting place to travel to, or simply to learn more about the world.
My Background Story
My interest with traveling started as a result of suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). I was born in Poland, which for the majority of the year features gray skies, low temperatures, and a generally unpleasant, depressing climate. I could never stand winter. The only time I felt truly alive was during the summer, while in the winter I felt like a hibernating zombie.
By the time I was 21, my condition deteriorated so much that I couldn’t spend another winter in Poland. I moved to Mexico where I lived for 3.5 months, between February and May. That experience made me realize that there was a way to escape my Seasonal Affective Disorder and feel great during what otherwise would be another terrible period to wait out.
When I came back from Mexico (pretty much broke financially; my budgeting skills weren’t the greatest), I dedicated myself to building a business that would let me leave Poland during the coldest, grayest months. I eventually accomplished this goal. Since then, I’ve been to 30+ countries and lived or spent at least several weeks in a few of them.
Due to my dislike of cold weather, my favorite places in the world are sunny, hot destinations. As a nature lover I’m also curious about any place with fascinating nature (but you won’t find me there during the coldest months, either!).
What Content Can You Expect on BetterWhere.com?
I plan to write articles on topics such as:
- the warmest cities in the world,
- the sunniest places in the world,
- best places to travel during specific times of year (for example for people from Europe who want to go to a warmer climate during the winter),
- climate comparisons between various countries or cities,
- best places to retire,
- the various intricacies of climate and weather and how they affect not only where to travel, retire, or move to but also what kind of an impact they have on us as human beings,
- and much more!